Research is not just about conducting a study.  The evidence generated from research is used to guide practice.  Did you know that if you are a HSE employee you can get free access to the online HSE library? is your gateway to a vast library of knowledge resources to support continuing education and development, clinical and management decision-making and most importantly, evidence-based patient care.  Here, you can search, browse, save and share information including ejournal articles, ebook chapters, patient education leaflets, EBM case reports, clinical practice guidelines, and much more.  If you haven’t already registered, click here to gain access .  Your local hospital librarian is a great resource to help you conduct a search if you are new to the process or need a refresher.

If you are considering conducting a research project, but are unsure of where to start, why don’t you collaborate with colleagues, share ideas and expertise on the proposal development, data collection, analysis, statistics, and publishing?  Contact us to discuss your idea and see how we can help by putting you in touch with someone who may have experience in the process or who may be able to direct you to appropriate resources.

Below are some useful resources if you are considering embarking on a research project.

Ethical conduct in research: guidance NMBI

Here is a link to an easy to read article titled ‘Introduction to the nursing research process’ by Arslanain (2000).

To read the full article you will need access to an academic database which you can obtain for free by registering at

The following books are good resources to assist you to learn about conducting research and should be available in your hospital library.

Parahoo, K., 2014. Nursing research: principles, process and issues. Palgrave Macmillan.

LoBiondo-Wood, G. and Haber, J., 2017. Nursing Research-E-Book: Methods and Critical Appraisal for Evidence-Based Practice. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Gray, J.R., Grove, S.K. and Sutherland, S., 2016. Burns and Grove's The Practice of Nursing Research-E-Book: Appraisal, Synthesis, and Generation of Evidence. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Holloway, I. and Galvin, K., 2016. Qualitative research in nursing and healthcare. John Wiley & Sons.

Creswell, J.W. and Poth, C.N., 2017. Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches. Sage publications.