Report on the SUNN Conference 29th September 2017
SUNN Saolta Urology Nurses Network
Inaugural Educational Conference
29th September 2017
Complicated & Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections.
The first SUNN conference was held on Friday the 29th September 2017 in the Maldron Hotel Galway. The conference began with a welcoming and informative opening address from the SUNN president, Mr Syed Jaffry, Consultant Urologist and SUNN secretary, Therese Kelly, Candidate ANP Urology. This was followed by an update on the upcoming SUNN Website by Robert McConkey, Candidate ANP Urology. The website, “a portal to all things urology “ will collate and provide direction to various urology resources available, such as patient information, education & practical resources, practice guidelines, research and contacts, to name but a few and it will certainly be an invaluable resource to all urology nurses throughout the country.
The morning session started with Professor Martin Cormican, Consultant Microbiologist giving a very interesting and dynamic talk on the pathogenesis, prevention and management of UTI’s. Hand hygiene was a major focus with technique being most important for us as nurses but also for teaching our patients. It was highlighted how poorly understood complicated UTI’s are and more research is required. Prevention is better than cure, and diagnosis and management should be patient specific. Professor Cormican’s talk was very informative but frightening in relation to the major problem of antibiotic resistance and the emerging threat of CPE (Carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae), an almost untreatable superbug, which is immune to some of the last-line antibiotics available and poses a serious threat to patients. His take home message was that “Antibiotics that are not needed are more harm than good”.
Consultant Dr Clare O’Driscoll followed with a discussion on “What doesn’t kill them makes them stronger”. Dr O’Driscoll’s talk and the following panel discussion re-enforced the message of “Do not treat with antibiotics unless the patient is symptomatic” in the majority of cases. Certain exceptions will require antibiotic treatment, such as pre-operative patients and bacteriuria in pregnancy, as identified by Ms Sue Sarma, Consultant OBGYN. It was recommended that a culture and sensitivity should always be sent before antibiotics are commenced. The panel discussion also included advice on sepsis, catheter changes, fluid intake, UTI and interstitial cystitis symptoms and preventative measures. The main message in treating UTI’s in adults was to follow the GAPP guidelines or your own relevant hospital or community guidelines.
A number of exhibitions included all the most up to date equipment and technology relating to catheters, clean intermittent self-catheters, continence equipment and accessories. The variety of posters and presentations were all excellent, demonstrating the amount of work being carried out in the area of urology. Continence advisors Margaret Tiernan, Roscommon and Patricia Dever, Mayo received the Michael Corcoran Educational Bursary Award for the best poster presentation for their work in promoting continence and the development of educational patient leaflets, “When Nature Calls – What Can I Do?”
The afternoon session commenced with a lecture from Mr Stefano Terzoni, Chairperson of the EAUN on the Management of CAUTI, including the guidelines. It is well known that CAUTI can lead to a wide range of complications and is one of the most common infections contracted from indwelling urinary catheters. Sean Diver, Candidate ANP Urology discussed how patient & carer education is key in preventing CAUTI. By addressing key questions that patients may have, we can empower them with knowledge and encourage improved catheter management. Therese Kelly, Candidate ANP Urology went on to discuss patient education relating to clean intermittent self-catheterisation and preventing UTI’s. The closing address to a very well organised and attended educational conference was given by Mr Syed Jaffry and Therese Kelly.
An optional Intermittent Catheterisation Workshop was run on Saturday the 30th September. This was led by Sefano Terzoni, EAUN and Therese Kelly, ANP. This was an excellent workshop for both beginners and advanced nurse specialists alike. Stefano provided details of the EAUN guidelines, several practical techniques and tips. This was followed by a mannequin practical session, which allowed for discussion within the group and was invaluable for gaining practical advice and tips for difficult situations. The session concluded with Therese providing information on an Intermittent Catheterisation competency booklet which is now recognized by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI).
Anne Daniels – IAUN